SUFT Congress 2022
Return to Sport – Better than ever
Language: English and Finnish
8.00-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.30 Opening Speeches
Seppo Pehkonen, Suomen Urheilufysioterapeutit ry
Luciana de Michaelis, The International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy
Ben Waller, Suomen Urheilufysioterapeutit ry
9.30-10.15 Session 1 Opening Keynote. Theme: Setting the scene. (English)
What has happened, and where are we now in return to sport? Key developments since the 2016 Bern consensus – Clare Ardern
10.15-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-12.00 Session 2. Theme: Making an athlete centered plan. (English)
10.45-11.05 It starts with the athletes’ voice – Phil Glasgow
11.05-11.30 It’s not complicated – a simple approach to making complex decisions – Nicol van Dyk
Highlight the complexity inherent in return to sport decision making, focusing on the relevant aspects – e.g. injury history, athlete specific factors, team goals etc…incorporating different components of the StaRTT framework in a practical decision-making scenario.
11.30-11.55 “Is RTS always the best goal?” – Maarit Valtonen
11.55-12.15 Discussion panel
12.15-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Session 3. Theme: Working in a multidisciplinary team to support RTS (Finnish)
13.00-13.10 Psyykkisen valmentajan rooli – Tatja Holm
13.10-13.20 Ravitsemusasiantuntijan rooli – Laura Manner
13.20-13.30 Fysiikkavalmentajan rooli – Ari Haapalainen
13.30-14.15 Moniammatillisessa tiimissä toimiminen – Tatja Holm, Laura Manner, Ari Haaapalainen & Simone Kallonen
14.15-14.30 Keskustelu
14.30-15.15 Coffee Break
15.15-16.45 Session 4. Theme: What does the physio do now? rehabilitation for preparing for RTS. (English)
15.15-15.40 Context matters – Caroline Bolling
Decision making based on the STAART model includes the importance of the contextual factors that may contribute to risk tolerance.
15.40-16.00 RTP after ankle sprain – what do we (not) know? – Evert Verhagen
Ankle sprains are the most common injuries across sports. Although in general considered a ’simple’ injury, it is far from that. Long term consequences loom if we do not manage the injury well. But do we have enough evidence to guide our decisions?
16.00-16.25 Building foundations for successful RTS in shoulder injuries – Jo Gibson
16.25-16:40 Discussion
18.00 Welcome drinks at Helsinki City Hall (Bock room)
9.00-10.00 Session 5. Theme: RTS in endurance athletes (Finnish)
RED-S: Ongelman tunnistaminen ja hoito moniammatillisessa tiimissä.
9.00-9.15 – Johanna Ihalainen
9.15-9.30 – Mira Kaikkonen
9.30-9.45 – Laura Manner
9.45-10.00 Keskustelu
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.00 Session 6. Theme: (Re)framing tertiary injury prevention. (English)
10.30-10.55 Robustness is the programme – Phil Glasgow
10.55 – 11.20 Training in the presence of injury – Unpacking rehabilitation that prepares the athlete for performance – Nicol Van Dyk
Using a practical example of hamstring injury in rugby, we’ll explore how to rehabilitation is an opportunity to prepare athletes for the demands of their sport
11.20 – 11.45 Young athletes require education, not prevention. – Evert Verhagen
Injury prevention is a cornerstone in our care for athletes. Implementation of evidence, however, remains an issue and injury rates remain high. There lie opportunities for young athletes to ’teach’ them the value of healthy participation.
11.45-12.00 Discussion
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Session 7. Theme: RTP for impact sports
13:00 – 13.25 When will the shoulder be ready for taking a hit? – Jo Gibson
13.25 – 13.50 I am fit but I don’t feel right: The devil is in the detail – Matti Vartiainen
Postural control and staging return to ice hockey using science and soft clinical skills combined.
13.50 – 14.15 How the mind matters for return to sport and simple strategies to support readiness to return – Clare Ardern
This presentation focuses on what you can do to help injured athletes return with confidence Strategies. How to assess psychological readiness to return. Tips and
useful tools for helping athletes return with confidence.
14.30-15.00 Coffee Break
15.00-16.30 Session 8. Theme: Safeguarding & athlete’s voice (Finnish)
15.00-15.40 Turvallinen toimintaympäristö – Tatja Holm
Keskustellaan siitä, miten urheilufysioterapeutti voi tukea turvallisen toimintaympäristön luomista ja ylläpitoa sekä miten tunnistetaan turvaton ympäristö ja mitä urheilufysioterapeutin tulisi siinä tilanteessa tehdä.
15.45-16.15 Urheilijan puheenvuoro – Elina Gustafsson
Elina lopetti huippu-urheilija uran 2020. Matkan varrella Ellulle kertynyt kokemusta erilaisista loukkaantumisista ja niiden käsittelystä erilaisissa toimintaympäristöissä. Tässä puheenvuorossa Elina kertoo omista kokemuksistaan.
16.15-16.30 Keskustelu
16.30 Closing Statement
As deputy editor and editorial board member of British journal of sports medicine (BJSM), he is enthusiastic about the dissemination of scientific evidence and research knowledge. A clinical researcher with a special interest in muscle injuries and injury prevention, he has great appreciation for integrated healthcare, shared decision making, and evidence based medicine.
Personal: My dad took me to local running events when I was little and ever since I have been an avid runner. I competed at a national level when I was a junior, finishing top 5 in cross country and top 10 in middle distance events. An injury prevented me from continuing at that level and made me decide to study Sports Science to understand better what happened to me. Now, many years later I still run, but I moved my interest to ultra-distance events; preferably multi-day trail runs.
Phil is recognised as a leader in the field of sports medicine and performance and is particularly interested in functional rehabilitation and understanding factors that influence performance. Phil’s doctoral studies investigated factors influencing exercise induced muscle damage and its management and he has published extensively on factors related to sports rehabilitation.
Phil is regularly invited to speak at international conferences on areas related to performance, rehabilitation and leadership. Phil was a member of the executive committee of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine (Physios in Sport, UK) for 12 years serving as Chair for Education & Research and as Vice President. Phil is a visiting professor of the School of Sport at Ulster University and teaches on a number of postgraduate sports medicine programmes at various UK and European universities.
Dr. Ihalainen’s work focuses on (i) special considerations for female athlete , (ii) sport nutrition and how energy availability can be assessed and evaluated in athletes, and (iii) how multidisciplinary teams collaborate around athletes, and work efficiently. Her teaching focuses on sport coaching. She is active in national and international networks related to the female athletes health.
Elina Gustafsson on entinen huippunyrkkeilijä – nykyinen huippu, puhuja, yrittäjä, seikkailija ja inspiroija.
Sports physiotherapist, Postdoctoral researcher at the Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and Safety in Sports – IOC Research Center/Amsterdam UMC, with an interest in sports injury prevention, complexity and qualitative research. Teacher at the Master Sports Physiotherapy/Hogeschool Utrecht. Former physiotherapist of the Brazilian National Gymnastics Team, Minas Tenis Clube and head therapist of Cirque du Soleil (Quidam, Corteo, Paramour and CDS at sea, Kooza).
Scandic Park
Mannerheimintie 46, 00260 Helsinki
Book a room in Scandic Park here. Use the following code:
Chair of the Scientific Committee:
Ben Waller congress(at)
Chair of the Organizing Committee:
Simone Kallonen simone.kallonen(at)
SUFT järjestää kerran vuodessa kansainvälisen urheilufysioterapiakongressin, jonka ajoittuu tyypillisesti alkukesään.
Ensimmäinen kongressi pidettiin vuonna 2015 Helsingissä ja jokaisena vuonna olemme saaneet esiintyjäkaartiin kansainvälisesti tunnustettuja urheilufysioterapian ja urheilulääketieteen auktoriteetteja.