SUFT Congress 2022

Return to Sport – Better than ever

Language: English and Finnish


Clare Ardern
Clare Ardern
Dr. Clare Ardern is a senior researcher and co-lead for the Vancouver Meta-research, Peer-review & Impact of Research Evaluation [VAMPIRE] group at University of British Columbia, Canada, and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT). With expertise in sports medicine and meta-research, Dr. Ardern’s work focuses on (i) measuring the impact of health research on public policy, the economy and society, (ii) how high-calibre meta-research (including systematic reviews, network meta-analyses, and clinical practice guidelines) can help clinicians make quality decisions, and (iii) return to sport after injury (rates, determinants of success, improving the clinical approach). Her teaching focuses on helping clinicians interpret and apply research to clinical practice.
Nicol van Dyk
Nicol van Dyk
Nicol van Dyk is a clinical researcher and physiotherapist. He is currently the Medical Research Lead with the Irish Rugby Football Union. He graduated with a BSc in Physiotherapy from Stellenbosch University in 2005 and completed his MSc in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy in 2010. Having worked in a number of different sporting environments, including athletics, rugby, and football, he was a physiotherapist at the Sport Science Institute of South Africa before moving to Qatar in 2013. While continuing to provide clinical care for athletes he formed part of the Injury and Illness Prevention programme at the Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital. In 2018 Nicol completed his PhD in Health Sciences at Ghent University, Belgium titled “Risk factors for hamstring injuries in professional football players.” Nicol is an extraordinary lecturer in Sports Medicine at the University of Pretoria.
As deputy editor and editorial board member of British journal of sports medicine (BJSM), he is enthusiastic about the dissemination of scientific evidence and research knowledge. A clinical researcher with a special interest in muscle injuries and injury prevention, he has great appreciation for integrated healthcare, shared decision making, and evidence based medicine.
Evert Verhagen
Evert Verhagen
Evert Verhagen (1976) is a human movement scientist and epidemiologist. He holds a University Research Chair as a full professor at the Department of Public and Occupational Health of the Amsterdam UMC and the Amsterdam Movement Science Research Institute. He is the Editor in Chief of BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine, the director of the Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and Safety in Sports (one of the 11 IOC research centers), and director of the Amsterdam Institute of Sports Sciences (AISS). His research revolves around the prevention of sports and physical activity related injuries; including monitoring, cost-effectiveness and implementation issues. He supervises several (inter-)national PhDs and post-docs and has (co-) authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications around these topics.

Personal: My dad took me to local running events when I was little and ever since I have been an avid runner. I competed at a national level when I was a junior, finishing top 5 in cross country and top 10 in middle distance events. An injury prevented me from continuing at that level and made me decide to study Sports Science to understand better what happened to me. Now, many years later I still run, but I moved my interest to ultra-distance events; preferably multi-day trail runs.

Jo Gibson
Jo Gibson
Jo Gibson (MCSP MSc )worked as a Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist in the Liverpool Upper Limb Unit for 27 years until January 2021 and now works as a specialist in Upper Limb rehabilitation in private practice. She also works as a Consultant for several elite sports team supporting return to play after shoulder surgery and problem-solving challenging presentations. Jo lectures Nationally and Internationally about assessment and rehabilitation of the shoulder complex. She has published in Peer-reviewed journals, co-authored national guidelines for the management of shoulder pathology and has written several book chapters.
Phil Glasgow
Phil Glasgow
Phil Glasgow, PhD, MTh, MRes, BSc (hons), PGDip, FFSEM (Hon.), has extensive experience in high performance sport as a practitioner, researcher, coach and mentor to the ‘team behind the team’. He is currently Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at the Irish Rugby Football Union having previously held the position of Head of Sports Medicine at the Sports Institute Northern Ireland for 14 years. He was Chief Physiotherapy Officer for Team GB at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games where he led the physiotherapy team of the most successful British Olympic Team in history.
Phil is recognised as a leader in the field of sports medicine and performance and is particularly interested in functional rehabilitation and understanding factors that influence performance. Phil’s doctoral studies investigated factors influencing exercise induced muscle damage and its management and he has published extensively on factors related to sports rehabilitation.
Phil is regularly invited to speak at international conferences on areas related to performance, rehabilitation and leadership. Phil was a member of the executive committee of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine (Physios in Sport, UK) for 12 years serving as Chair for Education & Research and as Vice President. Phil is a visiting professor of the School of Sport at Ulster University and teaches on a number of postgraduate sports medicine programmes at various UK and European universities.
Laura Manner
Laura Manner
Laura on koulutukseltaan ETM, urheiluravitsemuksen asiantuntija. Hän työskentelee Pääkaupunkiseudun urheiluakatemian ja Suomen olympiakomitean urheiluravitsemuksesta vastaavana asiantuntijana. Hän on toiminut urheilun parissa monissa eri lajeissa noin kymmenen vuoden ajan osana moniammatillisia valmennustiimejä. Laura on myös suunnitellut ja toteuttanut Tokion ja Pekingin olympialaisten urheiluravitsemuksen tukitoimet. Työssään Laura toimii ravitsemuksen parissa tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta urheilujuomien sekoitteluun ja asiantuntijakoulutukseen. Pääosin aika kuluu kuitenkin hien hajun seassa urheilijoiden ja valmentajien tukena arjessa.
Johanna Ihalainen
Johanna Ihalainen
Johanna Ihalainen (PhD in Exercise Physiology ) is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences.

Dr. Ihalainen’s work focuses on (i) special considerations for female athlete , (ii) sport nutrition and how energy availability can be assessed and evaluated in athletes, and (iii) how multidisciplinary teams collaborate around athletes, and work efficiently. Her teaching focuses on sport coaching. She is active in national and international networks related to the female athletes health.

Elina Gustafsson
Elina Gustafsson
(kuva: Oskari Ranta)
Elina Gustafsson on entinen huippunyrkkeilijä – nykyinen huippu, puhuja, yrittäjä, seikkailija ja inspiroija.
Caroline Bolling
Caroline Bolling
Caroline Bolling, PT, PhD
Sports physiotherapist, Postdoctoral researcher at the Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and Safety in Sports – IOC Research Center/Amsterdam UMC, with an interest in sports injury prevention, complexity and qualitative research. Teacher at the Master Sports Physiotherapy/Hogeschool Utrecht. Former physiotherapist of the Brazilian National Gymnastics Team, Minas Tenis Clube and head therapist of Cirque du Soleil (Quidam, Corteo, Paramour and CDS at sea, Kooza).
Maarit Valtonen
Maarit Valtonen
Matti Vartiainen
Matti Vartiainen
Matti Vartiainen has over 20 years in clinical and academic work, specialised in neurological disorders and especially mild traumatic brain injuries and sport concussions (PT, MSc, PhD). Always interested in evaluating human performance in holistic perspective specialized in motor (i.e. balance, reaction) and cognitive performance in rehabilitation and sport coaching. The clinical work with neurological, elderly patients to high elite professionals from F1 drivers to ice-hockey players.
Tatja Holm
Tatja Holm
Tatja Holm, Urheilupsykologi (sert.), PsM., toimii Urhean ja Helsingin Olympiavalmennuskeskuksen vastaavana urheilupsykologina. Hänen työtehtäviinsä kuuluu psyykkisen valmennuksen rakenteiden kehittämistä yhteistyössä Olympiakomitean ja Vuokatti-Rukan Olympiavalmennuskeskuksen kanssa, kärkilajien valmennusprosesseissa toimimista sekä valmentajien että urheilijoiden kanssa työskentelyä yhdessä muun asiantuntijatiimin kanssa. Tatja on luonteeltaan lämminhenkinen ja helposti lähestyttävä, mikä kerää erityisen paljon kiitosta työyhteisössä.
Mira Kaikkonen
Mira Kaikkonen
Ari Haapalainen
Ari Haapalainen
Simone Kallonen
Simone Kallonen





Scandic Park

Mannerheimintie 46, 00260 Helsinki

Book a room in Scandic Park here. Use the following code:


Chair of the Scientific Committee:

Ben Waller congress(at)

Chair of the Organizing Committee:

Simone Kallonen simone.kallonen(at)


SUFT järjestää kerran vuodessa kansainvälisen urheilufysioterapiakongressin, jonka ajoittuu tyypillisesti alkukesään.

Ensimmäinen kongressi pidettiin vuonna 2015 Helsingissä ja jokaisena vuonna olemme saaneet esiintyjäkaartiin kansainvälisesti tunnustettuja urheilufysioterapian ja urheilulääketieteen auktoriteetteja.