Ladataan Tapahtumat

SUFT Congress 2025 – The Next Best Interventions 6-7.6.2025 Hki

Place: Urhea -halli, (Mäkelänkatu 47, 00550 Helsinki)

Language: English



8.00-9.00 registration

9.00-9.15 Opening ceremony:

09.15 -10.30 SESSION 1: Evidence based clinical practice in the wild

10.30-11.00 Coffee

11.00-12.30 SESSION 2: First impression counts and working in agile and lean approach maximizes chance of success without waste (time, resources, stress)

12.30-13:30 lunch

13.30-15.00 SESSION 3: Early loading for optimal outcome

15.00-15.30 Coffee

15.30-17.00 SESSION 4: Manual therapy is an essential tool in your tool box

GALA DINNER (Tickets will be on sale separately)



9.00-9.05 Opening words

9.05-10.30 SESSION 5: Transition form therapeutic exercise to performance

10.30-11.30 Coffee

11.00-12.30 SESSION 6: Developing Nordic expertise in action

12:30-13:30 lunch

13.30-15.00 SESSION 7: Keeping the athlete in the game

15.00-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-16.50 SESSION 8: The Sports Physiotherapist is the pillar of support for the athlete

16.50-17.00 Closing remarks


Tickets available 23.8 onwards in our webstore:

Super Early Bird 160€ (available only until 31.12.2024)

Tickets 1.1.2025-30.4.2025: 215€ Members, 250€ Non-members, 160€ Students

Tickets 1.5.2025 onwards 315€ Members, 350€ Non-members, 160€ Students

Tickets include congress program, lunches and coffee break snacks.

Tickets to gala dinner will be sold separately and available later in our webstore.


Discount for SUFT members with code SUFTC25M

Discount for Students with code SUFTC25S

Ticket cancellation policy: Cancellations are required to be made in writing at toimisto(at) For written cancellations received before 1st April 2025, full refund of registration fees will be paid. For written cancellations made between 1st April and 16th May 2025, the cancellation fee is EUR 100. For cancellations made on 17th May 2025 or later, no refund can be made.


The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
SUFT Congress 2025 - The Next Best Interventions 6-7.6.2025 Hki, alv 0%
Tickets 1.1.20245-30.4.2025
250,00 250,00 

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